A fledgling finds the sugar water feeder

After calling incessantly for food from its parents, this young Tui fledgling eventually came down on to the feeder.
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Its pose is very much that of a fluffy, fledgling not long out of the nest.
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But a gnawing hunger and observation of other Tui drinking at the feeder meant an exploration of how this food source worked.
First attempt was not so successful.
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Second attempt and it was getting a little closer
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Then success!! But no photo sadly.

Noises from other Tui had the fledgling showing more of its true size and condition.DSCF2260 (1280x960)
And finally happy with some food in its tummy it posed for me.
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8 thoughts on “A fledgling finds the sugar water feeder

  1. Jo Woolf

    Love his expression!! Great pics. Nice to see your (or your neighbour’s) apples ripening too. Our days are starting to lengthen slowly but surely, and it’s very welcome!

    1. ordinarygood Post author

      We have had a bumper number of fledglings visiting this year which is so exciting. This one was particularly endearing but looked much older after he/she worked out the next step to independence.
      The apples are the neighbours – they have a splendid garden that is very sheltered compared with ours. He has said I can have that apple nearest the top of the fence! The days are definitely shortening here so things are moving your way!

  2. chevytravel12

    Beautiful Pictures. We love taking photos of all sort of birds on our travels. We used to breed many different parrots and finches. Now that we travel we had to give all that up and have to be content with birds in the wild. Which are beautiful too. Wish I could take great photos like yours.

      1. ordinarygood Post author

        I’m pretty green at the technical stuff. The camera is a Fujifilm Finepix S8600. No separate lens. I really liked the feel of it in my hands and the 36x zoom gets me much closer to the birds. The macro feature is outstanding too. I got a Monopod for Xmas and that helps with getting clear shots at maximum zoom. I have much to learn but I am very happy playing and recording the birds. It is a stress relief for me:-)

      2. chevytravel12

        Thanks for that, we have a nikon but it just could not get the birds further away. And I hate changing lens. So I bought a little Cannon SX50 hs That has a great zoom too but hard to manage. Like you I should use a tripod but hate carting them around although I found they made great walking sticks too. Good luck on your photos. I must work harder at getting my photos.

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