Tag Archives: mint

The colours of spring

I saw the challenge to photograph the colours of spring on another blog yesterday.

So what are some of the colours of spring in my garden I wondered?

Here are a few as we enjoy a series of warmer, drier and sunnier days which are heralding the change to a new season.

The sweet delicacy of Camellia Quintessence

The sweet delicacy of Camellia Quintessence



Lobelia amongst the weeds in their spring green lushness

Lobelia amongst the weeds in their spring green lushness

The very new leaves of the white carpet rose.

The very new leaves of the white carpet rose.

White "mouse ears" or forget-me-not"

White “mouse ears” or forget-me-not”

One of the last Daffodils

One of the last Daffodils

Green minty freshness

Green minty freshness