Rosehip goodness

Here are some of the rosehips that I photographed at the Pauatahanui Burial Ground last Friday.





Something has been enjoying the goodness of this bunch of hips.


The macro on the camera has focused on the path but you can see the intense deep purple colour of these beauties.



But wait this last one is a foreigner from the northern hemisphere. The Holly hedge has its berries on display on the edge of the ground.

10 thoughts on “Rosehip goodness

  1. Gallivanta

    The rich colours of autumn! I would seriously like to eat those rosehips. I know you can make rosehip jelly but I wonder how edible they are as is. Some critter thinks they are delicious.

  2. wildsherkin

    Beautiful pictures! When we were children my mother used to give us a spoon of rosehip syrup as a boost of vitamin C. It was a lovely pink, sweet syrup. I wonder if it is still available!

    1. ordinarygood Post author

      Thank you! I remember rose hip syrup too. I am not sure whether it is made commercially here now but plenty of people know about making drinks and jellies from the hips.


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